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Wadas Eye offers a wide range of contact lenses to choose from.

Our doctors keep current on the latest lens technologies and advancements in the market and can guide you to which option is best for you. 


We offer a wide array of soft contact lens options including bifocal and additional specialty lenses. Our doctors also fit Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP).


Regardless of how often or how long you wear your contact lenses, your eyes should be examined annually to make sure they remain healthy.


New to Contacts?

When patients come into our practice that have never worn contacts before, we will spend the time to help you determine which contact is right for you. Following all the necessary measurements, we will decide on a lens and then you will sit one on one with a Wadas Eye associate that will take the time to teach you how to properly insert and remove the lenses. Before you leave, you will feel 100% confident that you have mastered this skill. 


Want to prepare yourself a little ahead of time? Take a few minutes and watch this video:


Contact Lenses


Contact Lens Options

With so many contact lens types, brands, materials, etc., how does one choose which contact is right for you? Lifestyle choices are key to figuring out what type of contact lens suit you and what you hope to achieve by wearing them. Here's a quick breakdown on the types that are available:


DAILIES: These lenses allow the comfort of a new lens on a daily basis. It's definitely the most convenient (and healthy!) option as you never have to worry about building up proteins on the lenses, having to store them or buy solution. It essentially eliminates most of the causes of contact lens related complications. 


EXTENDED WEAR: These lenses are more cost effective, but do require more effort than dailies. You are able to keep the same lens for up to a month, but you have to be diligent on cleaning and caring for them. 


TORIC: You've probably heard the saying "your eye isn't perfectly round, but more football". This means you have astigmatism, and there are specially designed contact lenses to achieve clear vision. When you have astigmatism, different meridians of your eye need different amounts of correction for nearsightedness or farsightedness. Toric contact lenses have different powers in different meridians of the lens to correct variations in the eye's shape. There are design elements to keep the lens from rotating on your eye, so the meridians of the lens stay aligned with the meridians of your eye.

Bifocals? Readers? Theres a solution for that!

Around the age of 40, you will start to have difficulty with near related tasks. This is all due to changes in the lens of the eye. But does this mean you cannot wear contacts? Absolutely not! To determine the best contact lenses for your vision needs when you reach "bifocal age," call our office for a consultation. Listed below are the two options available:


MONOVISION: This is when we fit one eye with a distant prescription (your dominant eye) and the other with a near. Your brain will learn to fuse everything together, allowing you to see distance and up close. This is not for everyone, as some people have difficulty getting use to it and loose a little of their depth perception.


MULTIFOCAL: These contact lenses have both distance and near zones in the lens, in front of your pupil, at the same time. After a short period of time your visual system learns to use the power you need and ignore the other lens powers, depending on what you are looking at. There are two different types;

  1. Concentric: where either the distance or near power is in the center of the lens, with alternating rings of distance and near powers surrounding it.

  2. Aspheric:  where there are many powers blended across the lens surface.

Most people who try multifocal contact lenses are generally happy with them, however, some compromises may be necessary when you wear these lenses. Don't expect to see perfectly clear while driving at night, or read the tiniest print. 

Specialty Fits

There are certain prescriptions and/or eye diseases that limit patients to the type of contact they are able to use. 


RIGID GAS PERMEABLES: Rigid lenses are made of durable plastic able to transmit oxygen. They are lightweight, flexible, and shatter-resistant. The gas permeability helps keep them clear and your eyes healthy. They are smaller in size than soft contacts and for certain prescriptions they may provide clearer vision due to the fact that they maintain their shape on the eye (vs soft lenses that can fluctuate in shape). However, unlike wearing soft lenses, which are immediately comfortable, you may need a few weeks before you can wear GP lenses comfortably all day. GP lenses are rigid, so you don't have to worry about ripping or tearing them. They are also easier to keep clean and don't need to be replaced frequently like soft lenses. With proper care, a single pair of GP lenses can last a year or longer, which in turn makes them less expensive than soft lenses in the long run. 

Wadas Eye Group

BARNEVELD:    315-896-3900

WHITESBORO: 315-736-3217

HERKIMER:       315-866-3751

This web site is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used to self-diagnose. Always consult a physician for medical advice and diagnosis.

Copyright Wadas Eye Group 2024.

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